Tavda plywood industrial complex

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+7 (343) 287-71-14
+7 (34360) 3-00-30


The company Eco-group, LLC is glad to inform, that we are participating in coming Sylva Wood 2018 Exhibition in Shanghai, China, from 25.06.2018 till 27.06.2018.

During the first four months of 2018 the volume of export of the glued plywood from Russia achieved 894.1 thousand cubic meters, which is 10% higher than the same last year period. The cost of foreign delivered Russian made plywood has also grown – by 31.3%. 

In 2017, 240 million rubles were received from the federal budget for the development of timber industry enterprises in the region. In comparison with 2016, the figure has increased six times. In total, from 2015 to 2017 for these needs the federal investments volume has reached 304 million rubles.

Since the New Year, the Russian government limits the export of birch logs, which is used to produce plywood. This measure will support Russian processing plants.

According to the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat), the volume of plywood production in Russia in the first two months of 2018 amounted to 615 thousand m3, which is 1.3% more than the result of the same period of the last year.