Tavda plywood industrial complex

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302The history of Tavda plywood Mill counts since the 22nd July, 1941. This day, a month past the beginning of World War II in Soviet Union, the mill has produced the first products – general plywood DSP-10 and first cubic meters of special aviation plywood.

During the War, from 1941 to 1945, manufacturing of 20 kinds of plywood products was oriented to supply aircraft industry enterprises, ammunition and arms production plants.

The mill personnel was successfully coped with with the tasks, annually increasing the output.

The Year 1945 was the reference for any plywood mill, when the Mill produced 24489 m3 of plywood, 5775 m3 of aviation plywood (131% of annual plan), 889m3 of aviation veneer, 1550 tons of DSP-10 (115% of annual plan). Also mill produced 359 m3 of bakelized plywood.

Тавдинский комбинат

After the World War II the Mill was increased the share of general purpose plywood for recover the industries. The new goals was set:

  • Increasing the annual output;
  • Production of plywood for export;
  • Reduction of manual operations;
  • Developing new products.

The new, high capacity equipment was implemented to update the production plant: new peeling machines RAUTE, gas dryers SRG-25, mechanized equipment for plywood sheets assembly.

2 million cubic meters track record was achieved in the 17th October, 1974, and 3 mln m3 – at 1988.

The Year 1975 was marked by the maximum annual output - 87443 m3.

Проходная комбинатаIn 1992 – 1994 the Mill was proceeded through privatization and was reorganized into Tavdinskiy Plywood Plant, JSC. During the period of 1995 – 2002 there was a number of ownership changes, and substantial decreasing of output. In June, 2002 the Mill became owned by the new owner. The increasing of output, investments into production facilities helped the Mill to recover after the difficult period of its history. In 2006 the output achieved 52 thousand m3 and the production of latoflex started..

Despite the existing difficulties, the Mill is increasing the annual output, investing into production process, ducing the costs.